Know How

OBIA 11g: BIACM Logout url Error: “An application error occurred. See the incident log for more information.”



1) Stop the bi_server1 Managed Server

2) Rename the groovy-all-1.7.4.jar and groovy-all-2.1.6.jar under the folder <Middleware_home>/11119/odi_111/oracledi.sdk/lib

3) Copy the newer version groovy-all-2.3.7.jar from <Middleware_home>/11119/oracle_common/modules to <Middleware_home>/11119/odi_111/oracledi.sdk/lib

4) Rename the bi_server1 Managed Server log, tmp and cache folders.

5) Start the bi_server1 managed server

6) Retest the issue

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