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SOA 11g/12c: MDS-00054: The file to be loaded oramds: composite.xml does not exist

While deploying soacomposites getting MDS-00054 error:


wls:/offline> sca_deployComposite(“”, “/u01/soacomposites/sca_Security_rev1.0.jar”, true, user=”weblogic”,password=”Welcome2017″,
serverURL =
sarLocation = /u01/soacomposites/sca_Security_rev1.0.jar
partition = default
overwrite = 1
user = weblogic
forceDefault = 1
configplan = /u01/soacomposites/xml/configPlansca_Security_rev1.xml
keepInstancesOnRedeploy = 0
regenerateRuleBase = 0
timeout = -1
set user and password…
set config plan…
Processing sar=/u01/soacomposites/sca_Security_rev1.0.jar
Adding sar file – /u01/soacomposites/sca_Security_rev1.0.jar
INFO: Creating HTTP connection to, port:8001
INFO: Received HTTP response from the server, response code=500
—->Response code=500, error:There was an error deploying the composite on soa_server1: oracle.fabric.common.FabricException: Error in getting XML input stream: oramds:/deployed-composites/Security_rev1.0/composite.xml: oracle.mds.exception.MDSException: MDS-00054: The file to be loaded oramds:/deployed-composites/Security_rev1.0/composite.xml does not exist.: Error in getting XML input stream: oramds:/deployed-composites/Security_rev1.0/composite.xml: oracle.mds.exception.MDSException: MDS-00054: The file to be loaded oramds:/deployed-composites/Security_rev1.0/composite.xml does not exist..


Step 1: Download and copy the ShareSoaInfraPartition.ear file from metalink Doc ID 1380835.1 to $MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin.

Step 2: Navigate to $MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin and run

Step 3: Connect to the SOA Admin server:

Provide the username, password and server URL

Step 4: Run the below command to deploy ShareSoaInfraPartition.ear to the Admin server:


Step 5: Now run the below command by changing the “toLocation” (‘/u01/test’ is some location path on SOA machine)


Step 6: A deployed-composites folder will be created at “toLocation” path with deployed-composites.xml in it (/u01/test/deployed-composites)

Step 7: Delete the composite which is causing the problem and save the file.

For me the Security composite is the problem. So i deleted the below entry and saved the file.

vi /u01/test/deployed-composites/deployed-composites.xml

Step 8: Now run the below command by changing the “fromLocation” (this should be the same location as previous)

Step 9: Retest the issue.

Issue Resolved:


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