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SOA 12c: When Running the Upgrade Assistant (UA) Readiness Check, Getting the Following Error “UPGAST-00214: Unable to Connect to Database as the Schema User xxxx” During SOA Upgrade to 12.2.14:


Failed to establish a connection to data source “WLSSchemaDataSource” because of the error “UPGAST-00214: Unable to connect to database as the schema user “xxxx”


1. Go to path <FMW_HOME>/oracle_common/upgrade/bin
2. Execute the UA in readiness mode by running the following command
./ua -readiness


The issue is caused by the conflicting JDBC resource ‘WLSSchemaDataSource’ in the file <FW_HOME>/soa_domain/config/config.xml 

Please follow the below steps to resolve the issue:

Step 1:    Take the backup of config.xml in the following path

Step 2:    Edit the config.xml and remove the below section in the config.xml and save

Step 3:    Execute the UA in readiness mode.

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